The Gas Monster
Little Togo is a baby fox (kit) that has some serious tummy issues. What can he do to make it go away? His forest friends quickly band together to try to find a solution for Togo.
Would you like to buy a copy? Books are $12 each, or 2 books for $20. Click on the button to request a book.
Our Story
In March of 2020 (yes, terrible timing) my husband and I released our first published book which we wrote and edited together. Illustrations are credited to Abira Das. It is a fully illustrated, 26 page hardcover book. The basic plot is about a little fox who has a bad stomach ache. The moral of the story is that friends and family can help you through any tough situation. Our book is available on Amazon.com and Target.com. It can also be purchased through our publisher, Mascot Books. I performed a read-aloud of the book during the height of the pandemic so that children could alleviate some of their boredom! The read aloud is available on YouTube.
Our First Book Signing
In October of 2021 we attended our first book signing! It was so much fun. Some of my co-workers supported us by coming to the event and purchasing books.

My fellow English teachers and my supervisor

Our Second
Book Signing
October 2023

Our Most Recent
Book Signing
October 2024

From Left to Right: Flynn, Leah, and Fiona. They purchased our book in 2000 from Amazon and Togo has been a household name ever since then. They brought their copy to the book fair for a signature.
Giving Back to the Community

We raffled off 3 copies of our book to people living in our Sterling community. Below you will see a photograph of a family who won our book! Other book donations include the LCPS mobile reading program, and various little lending libraries in Northern Virginia.

We donated a signed copy of our book to the little lending library on Assateague Island. Loop D.

At our recent Sterling VA book signing, Deborah came up to the table. She shared that she had been a recipient of a free copy of our book in 2020. She is a special educator in Loudoun County, and she still reads it to her students often.